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Simonds On-Bus Advertising

Terms and Conditions

  1. Start Dates

    • For Headliners the client must provide the finished posters a minimum of two days prior to the start date.
    • For vinyl applications where the client is responsible for the production of the vinyl the client must provide the vinyl a minimum of one week prior to the start date.
    • Where the Company are providing the vinyl the client must provide all the artwork required at least two weeks prior to the start date.
  2. Artwork

    The Company is to produce the finished vinyl, the client will be responsible for providing the brief for the artwork on time, to the correct standard, to enable the Company to complete the design and produce the vinyl in time for the start date. The Company will produce the artwork after the client have approved in writing the design and content. Any delay in approving the artwork may delay the start date. Where the client wishes to use specific logos or corporate images these must be in a suitable format with copyright approved.

  3. Production of Artwork

    The quality of illustrative artwork provided should be as high as possible and in pdf or eps format. If the client is unable to provide artwork, the Company will offer a quality visual based library of existing designs and will be able to assist with specific designs. Additional charges apply to production of artwork.

  4. Special Designs or Instructions

    The Company must be advised as soon as possible if the client has specific requirements (e.g. use of photographs, etc.) as production of artwork may take longer. These instructions must be detailed in the special instructions section of the contract. All artwork and photographs are to be copyright approved.

  5. Duration and Termination of Contract

    All contracts will run on a calendar month basis. The minimum contract will be two weeks for headliners and one calendar month for vinyl with a maximum of 48 calendar months. It will be possible to renew contracts and rates without removal of the advertisement by mutual agreement. The contract will terminate at the end of the final calendar month and the Company reserves the right to remove the advertisement from that point forward; the advertisement will be removed within a one-month of termination of the contract.

  6. Deposit Payment

    A deposit will be required before the start date of the contract. The deposit will normally be a minimum of one month’s payment. Should artwork and design be required an additional deposit may be required.

  7. Payment Details

    Payment may be made by monthly standing order. If payment is made by this method and the start date is delayed for any reason the Company will extend the period of advertising accordingly.

  8. Notification

    The Company will notify the client, in writing, when the advertisement has gone on display.

  9. Alterations

    If the client requires any alteration of the advertisement at any time the Company will endeavour to arrange this at the earliest date possible. The Company will advise the client of any additional costs that may be incurred prior to incorporating any changes.

  10. Order Cancellation

    If the client wishes to cancel an order before the end of the agreed period this must be confirmed in writing, giving a minimum of one month’s notice. The Company reserves the right to recalculate the total cost of the advertisement in accordance with the monthly rate charge at the time of booking.

  11. Designated Routes

    The Company will agree to the advertisement on a vehicle being used on a selected route at time of booking. The Company reserves the right to vary these routes from time to time due to operational and seasonal demands. Should the route be removed or changed significantly the client will be offered an alternative or have the right to terminate the contract without penalty.

  12. Temporary Withdrawal of Services

    From time to time it will become necessary to withdraw vehicles from service for routine servicing, maintenance and repairs. In the event that the vehicle is off the road for more than five consecutive days, additional days will be credited at the end of the contract.

  13. Maintenance of Advertisement

    Where the Company has been responsible for the production of the advertisement it will undertake to maintain it in good condition for the duration of the contract. Where the client has provided the advertisement the Company will undertake to keep the advertisement clean and in good order; it cannot be held responsible for fading or other long term effects from weathering or sunlight. Should any third party damage occur the Company will repair or replace the advertisement as quickly as possible and will extend the contract period accordingly.

  14. Coach Cleanliness

    The Company is committed to maintaining all vehicles in clean conditions at all times, subject to adverse weather or road conditions.

  15. Statutory Coach Signs

    The Company reserves the right to amend any advertisement to incorporate any new legal requirements for coach operational or warning signage. All modifications will be notified to the client.

  16. Advertisement Content

    The Company reserves the right to refuse or remove any advertisement that may be of a sensitive, adult or racial nature. Should this occur the client will be informed in writing within 2 weeks of removal of the advertisement.