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Simonds Room Hire and Facilities

Terms and Conditions

    1. Registration & Procedures

      All delegates are required to sign in at Reception on arrival, and to sign out when leaving the building. The person leading the meeting is responsible for making delegates aware of the procedures in the event of an emergency.

    2. Opening & Closing Times

      Our building is open from 8.30am allowing conference organisers to set up. The building closes at 5.30pm. The building can be opened for weekend/evening bookings. Please contact the office for the appropriate tariff.

    3. Smoking

      Simonds operates a no-smoking policy which expressly includes e-cigarettes and ‘vaping’. We would be grateful if you could inform your delegates of this policy; the closest permitted smoking area is the pavement opposite the overflow car park. Please ensure that they do not smoke at the front of the building resulting in blocking access to the front door.

    4. Times of Hire

      Functions should end at the time specified on the accepted booking form. Extension, if possible, could incur additional charges for every 30 minutes extension.

    5. Bookings and Confirmation

      All bookings must be on the official Simonds booking form which should be completed, signed and returned by hand, fax, e-mail or post to Roswald House, Oak Drive, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GX. Subject to room availability, the booking request will be allocated a Booking Reference Number. At this point the booking is firm and both Hirer and Simonds are contractually committed. Prior to that time the booking is not firm. Telephone bookings are provisional until confirmed in writing. Only food and beverages supplied by Simonds may be consumed in the conference facilities.

  1. Food and Beverages

    Food and beverages for consumption during meetings is only permitted with prior agreement. We are happy to make arrangements for light snacks/ buffets and we respectfully request only food and beverages supplied by Simonds is consumed in the Conference Facility. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in a surcharge of up to £100 being added to the charges.

  2. Final Numbers

    Any amendment to the number of guests attending must be notified to Simonds not less than 2 working days prior to the function. This will be used to confirm catering arrangements and for room set-up purposes. The invoice will be calculated on the higher of the number of delegates attending on the day, the number stated and accepted on the booking form or the number notified not less than 2 working days prior to the function. Regulations applying to maximum numbers in each room must be followed.

  3. Cancellation by Hirer

    The Hirer will be liable for any losses incurred by the Company for any cancellation of the hire according to the scale of charges set out below:

    Days Prior to CancellationHours prior to cancellation  

    Amount of cancellation charges

     48-36 hours (inclusive) 

    £30.00 administration fee

    35-15 hours (inclusive)

    Full cost of catering requested + £40.00

     Less than 15 hours 

    Full cost of catering & refreshments requested + £40.00

  4. Payment Terms

    Payment is to be made within 7 days of the date of invoice. In the event of any delay in payment, the company reserves the right to add interest to the invoice at the rate of 2% compound interest per calendar month: this is payable in full, whether before or after judgement.
    The company reserves the right to add to the final invoice the full cost of repairing or replacing equipment damaged during your visit.