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Local Bus Service Tickets

Travelling on Simonds Local Bus Services could not be easier.


Available from your Simonds Driver


Available from the local County Council


Single Journey Ticket


Valid for single journey at time of purchase


Endeavour Passes (Suffolk CC)


For travel in Suffolk only


Return Journey Ticket


Valid for outward and return journey on same day


10 Journey Ticket


Valid for 10 single journeys used within one calendar month


Concessions Passes**


ENCTS passes accepted allowing free travel at selected times


09.30 - 23.30 Mon - Fri


All day Sat - Sun


                        Local Bus Service fare calculator click here                   




**Various Concession Passes available through the District/County Council for senior citizens and travellers with disabilities


Passengers under the age of 5 are allowed to travel free of charge if accompanied by an adult fare paying passenger(including holders of ENCTS passes)


        Also available on certain routes are Student Passes covering travel during college/school terms which are available from Simonds Head Office: Tel: 01379 647300